So I go to this online school, right? And a few years ago I met a fellow student in biology who lived almost all the way across the continent from me. She thought I was really weird at first, and I thought she used caps lock too much. Probably my viewpoint is the only one that's changed, honestly. But anyways, since then, I've watched as she's grown up and I've also been able to watch her family adopt sweet baby Trey. And that's what this post is about. It's so amazing, to see that this baby is a part of her family, just as much as she is. They say blood is thicker than water, but her family just proves that "family" has nothing to do with blood. It has to do with love. How incredible is that? She has a passion for adoption, for loving others, for just being fantastically wonderful, and I'm excited for her, because I'm pretty sure God has some great things in this world for her to do. Here's to Emma and Trey and all of the Thompsons!
I just came back to read this (stalk your blog? heh) and I want you to know how much I love (love love love) this post. Sweetest friend. Some special years, wrapped up in this blog. Thank you, for those. I'll carry them always.