Weekly Creative Writing #3

I have worked for years for this moment of truth.  The earnest focus of my attentions has been upon this... creation.  I love it and I loathe it, love, because it is mine, I have created it and devoted my time to it.  And yet in some way, I know not how, I loathe it with all that is within me for the same reasons.  It is the first of matter-benders.  It is what shall propel me in to the past, to find out the relation between our actions and the past.  Will I be able to change it?  Will I be able, once and for all, to disprove the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle?  The radio I left on gabbles some nonsense about time-travel.  They know not of what they speak... I, and only I, know that this journey is possible.  I step in, but I’ve stepped out almost as soon as in, as if some past version of me had, agitated by its own disembodied presence, given the offending party a particularly animated shove.  But this must be the frenzied ghost of my imagination, for it cannot be possible.  My frantic heartbeat is all I can hear as I emerge in the past.  It different than I had imagined.  It is cold.  So cold.  The ice around me seems to move, and I feel swallowed.  Engulfed. I cannot return.  My feet are immobile with the cold, and the frozen ice rises to greet me.  As my eyes close, slowly, I think about the last words from a human voice that I had heard.  ...what appears to have been a modern man, found in ancient ice.  Some call it evidence that time travel is possible.  The announcer! He only was able to say that because I was committed to my mission. I was dead before I was alive.  Would that I had listened, but I couldn’t have if my mind could have been changed!  I shall be frozen, as an insect in amber.  A bitter testament to my work, which isolated and froze me from the world I once loved, turning the life that I once cherished to ice in my hands.  It is odd to think that I was frozen and dead the whole time I worked on the instrument of my doom.  But I have proved Novikov right.  Or have I?  It is cold, and I must sleep.

For the fantastic counterpart of this weekly themed writing project, click HERE =)

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