I think it's pretty amazing how Veritas is basically just awesome.  Tonight, all the juniors were hanging out and using the webcams and Mr. Etter, the Much-Beloved Headmaster of the Red Beard, was there, and it was like a virtual end of the year gathering in a way.  And the people.  I know almost everybody in my graduating class and there's nobody, not a single person who isn't a likable, wonderful person.  So this is just basically a shoutout to you all, because honestly, it's you guys that make VP the best school in the Universe, whether you're just chatting, discussing great books in class, or playing violin or guitar or singing over the webcam ( =D )  So much talent out there that not even a bad connection can eclipse you.

Olivia (YS) –   – (November 9, 2012 at 12:26 PM)  

awwww yeah. you did the ahhhmazing song. but you did one thing wrong. you didn't rap. I disown you!

D.C. Salmon  – (November 15, 2012 at 2:47 PM)  

Wayne, about your singing: You got yourself some talent! Seriously I would say that you can pull off Justin Beiber songs better then he can, and One DIrections songs- Totally awesome! :D

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